Secular Homeschool Curriculum

Calvert School. Calvert is one of the oldest homeschool curriculum companies in existence, they distribute materials all over the country, and they’ve done so for over 100 years. They offer subject-by-subject courses, or entire boxed sets for the whole year. They publish a lot of their own textbooks, they also use a fair amount of original resources. In addition to the boxed-set program, they also have an online homeschooling program that was released in recent years. Calvert has partnerships with public school districts to provide homeschooling for families through public funds. The public-funded program isn’t available in all areas.

Keystone Curriculum– I just browsed their website and i’m not sure why i thought they were Christian, but i can’t find anything on there that states it, their high school biology course mentions the mechanics of evolution in the course description, so it looks like i may have been wrong.

Laurel Springs School is a self-study College preparatory school, so it’s an advanced program. Their site is professional looking, I don’t know anyone who has used the program, so leave a comment please if you have personal experience with it.

If you have a little aversion to boxed curriculum, check out Oak Meadow. They are very Waldorf-style, in that they stress experiences over instruction and they specialize in nature, play and natural learning. I used their Kindergarten program with my older girls and we all really loved it. Much of their program is teaching PARENTS how to recognize and encourage real learning, as opposed to teaching from the manual. it’s very kid-centered, peaceful, natural and we loved it.

Core Curriculum of America is one that i hadn’t heard of until i started researching this. They also distribute Christian Curriculum, so I would caution families to keep their eyes open for subliminal or subversive statements. Freethinking kids are generally able to spot inconsistencies, but if I were spending money on a curriculum only to find they were sneaking in religious material that I specifically disagree with, I’d be angry. Not that I’ve ever seen this product or even heard of the company, but when a christian company says that they’re going to release a secular curriculum, I wonder if they really can.

Christian companies are here

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